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The Circus Goes Hollywood: A Conversation with Wini McKay and Chester Cable

  • 22 May 2022
  • 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM (EDT)
  • Online - To view the program, click "CHS Zoom Big Top" in this announcement at 7 PM EDT on Sunday May 22, 2022.

The Sunday May 22nd session of Circus History Live! featured a fascinating conversation about the production of circus movies, stage shows, and television programs with Wini McKay and Chester Cable of L.A. Circus!  A recording of this program is available on the Circus Historical Society YouTube Channel

Wini and Chester run a highly successful prop house and circus/carnival research facility that has provided circus tents, wardrobe, banners, vehicles, and props for numerous circus movies, including The Greatest Showman and Water for Elephants, for the world tour of the Circus 1903 stage show, and for several television programs and videos. 

Wini McKay is Founder and Director of L.A. Circus, a presentation of the Los Angeles Foundation for the Circus Arts. She learned single trapeze from circus legend Dorothy Herbert and was honored by being accepted in the Guinness Book of World Records in 1986.

With more than 70 years in show business, Chester Cable has performed in circuses in Asia, Europe, Canada, South America, Australia, and in every state in the US. He is the only performer who balances and juggles heavy items such as a refrigerators, couches, and the "Cable Table" which is 10 feet long and weighs over 130 pounds!

This program was hosted by Circus Historical Society vice president and circus historian: Chris Berry.

All Circus History Live! sessions are free. They are open to both members and non-members. Registration is required.

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